What: An Indoor Rowing Competition that is an open event for all ages, abilities, skill levels.
Distances: 500m & 1000m Individual races, 2000m Team relays.
When: 8th October / 9:00am start
General Information
The 2022 Indoor Rowing competition will be held at the EIT Institute of Sport and Health at 42 Percival Road, Hastings.
Grades (Male / Female)
Team Relays
2000m – x4 500m |
We advise that you are hanging around at least 20mins before your race as the timetable is flexible to change on the day.
Just a few notes to take in on the day:
We are here to have fun and all abilities are welcome. We like to have a casual approach for everyone to feel comfortable throughout the morning.
Team relay categories: will be male, female, & mixed. Mixed relays to be of equal number of male to female ratio e.g. 2:2. Mixed age master’s team relays will be categorized by the average of the 4 competitors.
Races with low entry numbers will be combined to fill the racing ergs but event classes will still be separated for results. This is to ensure the championships run in a timely fashion.
All races will be run in accordance with FISA Erg Sprint policy.
Entry fees
$15 - 1000m
$10 - 500m
$20 – 2000m Team Relay
Physical address: 42 Percival Road, Hastings 4120 (Adjacent to Napier-Hastings Expressway)
Postal Address: P O Box 528 Hastings 4156
p: 06 650 4040